Grant Thornton Austria offers comprehensive services in the field of business-oriented expert services with a broad range of competencies from banking to communication.

The core activity of experts is the objective recording of findings and the preparation of expert opinions - regardless of all external circumstances. Our experts Marlene Halikias, Gottwald Kranebitter, Georg H. Jeitler and Karsten Theiner, as sworn and court-certified experts, ensure that the highest professional standards and the principle of objectivity are observed.

The results of the work of our experts include assessments or the professional analysis of conditions in the form of an expert opinion which makes the situation comprehensible to outsiders such as litigants, courts, public prosecutors or other authorities and provides a solid, secure basis for further steps - including the legal liability of the respective expert for his opinion.

Our experts provide their services as court or private experts in both litigation and criminal law and are also happy to provide simple opinions on specialist issues in their fields. The areas of expertise directly covered by our law firm are

  • Corporate management, corporate reorganisation, corporate restructuring, corporate liquidation
  • Business valuation, corporate planning (investment planning, financial planning, cost planning, liquidity planning)
  • Cost accounting, performance accounting, calculation, operating income statement
  • Management consultancy
  • Stock exchange, banking
  • Bookkeeping, accounting, annual financial statements, payroll accounting
  • Tax consultancy
  • Auditing
  • Marketing
  • Business Advertising
  • Media services
  • Copyright issues of all kinds

Here you will find the entries of our experts in the list of court experts of the Austrian justice system:

Entry of Marlene Halikias
Entry of Gottwald Kranebitter
Entry of Georg H. Jeitler
Entry of Karsten Theiner

Why Grant Thornton?

In recent years, our experts have been employed as reviewers in numerous media-related cases. As we work for both the judiciary and the private sector, we know the requirements of both spheres very well and are therefore able to provide optimal advice.

Of course, the two areas are strictly separated: we are not obliged to report any criminally relevant circumstances in private cases. We are bound by our professional code of conduct to maintain strict confidentiality.

We often provide our services in close cooperation with company specialists - such as the departments concerned, the internal audit department or the company lawyer. Our spectrum ranges from classic expert opinions on general specialist topics to advice and support (e.g. with regard to compliance) and economic forensic work in cases of white-collar crime.