Audit of annual and consolidated financial statements
We place particular emphasis on customized solutions and international service and adapt our services to your needs.
Assurance related advisory services
Assurance related advisory services are based on the knowledge and expertise that are the staff of life of our auditors.
Global audit technology
We apply our global audit methodology through an integrated set of software tools known as the Voyager suite.
Accounting related consulting
Accounting in accordance with UGB, US-GAAP or IFRS is in constant motion. The integration of new regulations into their own accounting systems poses special challenges for companies.
Corporate Tax
We are your problem solvers for corporate tax issues
Restructuring, Mergers & Acquisition
Expertise and creativity for the perfect structure
International Tax
We are here, whenever our clients require our assistance
Transfer pricing
We are your experts for an optimal transfer pricing structure
Indirect Tax & Customs
We take care of your indirect taxes so you can take care of your business
Private Wealth
We are your competent partner in the field of Private Wealth Tax Services
Real Estate Tax
We are a valuable partner at every stage of your property's life
Global Mobility Services
Local roots and global networking as a secret for successful assignment management
Advisor for Advisor
As advisors for advisors, we support in complex situations
Bookkeeping & Financial accounting
Financial accounting is the basis for many decisions in the company. Only those who prepare their figures clearly and get a good overview of their company can recognize weak points in time and react to negative developments. The use of state-of-the-art software (BMD) allows you to access your figures at any time. Digital document management and a document management system for data archiving are a matter of course. We take care of your financial accounting.
Preparation of annual & consolidated financial statements
Depending on the size of your company and the legal form chosen, you are obliged to prepare annual financial statements. In addition, shareholders, owners and management want to be provided with financial information on a regular basis. We support you in fulfilling your recording obligations and thus ensure that you present companies, the bank and other addressees with meaningful and reliable figures.
Payroll Services
Payroll services are among the subject areas that are changing rapidly and constantly gaining in complexity. This is where tax law, social security law, labour law, residence law and other legal matters come together. Our experts will help your team to stay up-to-date and solve complex issues. But we are also happy to take care of your entire payroll accounting.
Tax Compliance
Tax authorities keep entrepreneurs and freelancers constantly engaged with tax issues, so they play a central role in almost every business decision. Depending on your needs, our services range from the preparation of tax returns, the execution of tax calculations with a thorough review of the data as a basis for assessment, to international tax compliance for several countries.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a software-based technology that mimics a series of activities within and between systems based on a set of instructions typically to complete a process.
Valuations are a core competence of Grant Thornton Austria. As auditors and tax advisors we combine profound know-how with our practical experience to offer you customized solutions for your valuation assignment. Our industry expertise is based on years of services to our clients, including listed companies as well as owner-managed companies with an international focus. We advise on valuation matters related to arbitration and provide expert opinions.
Forensic Services
When it comes to risks in business, our experts are on hand. We support you not only in suspicious cases or in disputes, but also develop suitable strategies in the area of prevention to avoid serious cases as far as possible. Our Cyber Security team helps you to keep your networks and applications secure and is quickly on hand in the event of a security leak.
Transaction Support
We can support you throughout the transaction process – helping achieve the best possible outcome at the point of the transaction and in the longer term.
Sustainability Services
Sustainability is no longer a trend, but the only way to create a future worth living. Our experts will support you in successfully developing your sustainability strategy and preparing your sustainability reporting in compliance with regulations.
Merger & Acquisition
Companies start new activities and separate from old ones, cooperate and merge. Markets and competitive conditions are subject to constant and increasingly rapid change. As a result, existing business models are changing. Some companies have to restructure and reorganize. But new business opportunities also open up.
Restructuring & Going Concern Forecast
Restructuring & Going Concern Forecast: Bundled services for your strategic, operational and financial decisions offer the right answers for companies, banks, shareholders and investors.
Internal Audit
Internal Audit helps companies and organisations to achieve their goals by analysing and evaluating the effectiveness of risk management, controls and management and monitoring processes. Internal Audit focuses on independent and objective audit (assurance) and consulting services that improve the value creation and business activities of your company.
Expert dispute resolution & advisory
Grant Thornton Austria offers comprehensive services in the field of business-oriented expert services with a broad range of competencies from banking to communication. The core activity of experts is the objective recording of findings and the preparation of expert opinions - regardless of all external circumstances. Our experts Gottwald Kranebitter and Georg H. Jeitler, as sworn and court-certified experts, ensure that the highest professional standards and the principle of objectivity are observed.
Blockchain and Crypto-Asset
Blockchain as a carrier technology for crypto currencies and smart contracts, among other things, is becoming increasingly important. Grant Thornton Austria offers comprehensive audit and confirmation services for block chain technologies and business models.
Corporate & Brand Strategy
We support you in developing growth strategies for a sustainably successful future and in maximizing the potential of your brand.
Cyber Security
Cyber incidents, IT system failures, the resulting business interruptions and the loss of critical data are one of the greatest business risks for companies. Recent cases underline the need for strategic protection and awareness of the issue and require a holistic approach and technical expertise that takes into account all legislative, regulatory and technical aspects of cyber security to protect companies against the daily increase in cybercrime incidents.
International Project Coordination
Our International Engagement Management team is your central point of contact for international projects in all our service lines. We take care of operational project management for you and act as a central point of contact and coordination for your projects. We support companies that start international projects from Austria as well as companies from abroad that want to gain a foothold in Austria or use Austria as a hub for their international projects, especially in the DACH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and CEE region.
International Desks
As a member of the Grant Thornton network, we guarantee direct access to resources from our worldwide circle of partners. This global connection enables us to seamlessly integrate highly qualified specialists and industry experts from different countries around the world into our teams. Through our broad perspective and diverse expertise, we ensure that we can optimally meet the individual requirements of our clients in an increasingly globalised economy.
Find time for those closest to you
I spend a lot of time outside of work with friends and colleagues; going out, playing or watching sport, going to the cinema. But do I spend as much quality time as I should with my family? If you ask my Mum, she will say no.
The same accusation could be thrown at many companies: they spend a lot of time with customers and potential targets – the people they want to use their products in exchange for their cash. But stop and think for a second about how companies interact with their providers of finance – those investors that companies go to rarely, asking them to maintain belief in the business and the company’s management, and asking them for money in exchange for a share of ownership or a loan repayment arrangement. Do companies spend enough quality time with their providers of finance?
Think pages
Grant Thornton research of the UK FTSE 350 market shows that the average annual report now stands at over 500 or approximately 300,000 words. Typically, about half that information is historical financial data. The rest is generally a corporate governance statement, a CSR statement, notes from the Chairman and various Board committees, and a description of how the company’s business segments have performed.
Historical financial data is an absolute bedrock, a cornerstone, fundamental. But it is not enough, not on its own. And standalone statements about a company’s commitment to social responsibility convey the impression that societal contribution is an afterthought, rather than embedded within corporate values and daily decision making processes. Large UK companies provide shareholders with limited information on risk management and internal control, while only 27% of the FTSE 350 provide real insight into how they review the effectiveness of their systems of internal control. The vast majority fail to demonstrate the link between their business model, future plans, strategy to implement those plans, and key risks.
Reporting data in distinct sections of the annual report conveys the impression that the company is run in silos (whether it is or not). It would be much better to apply the principles of Integrated Reporting for internal and external reporting purposes, which will, in turn, better inform the decision making process.
Show you care
Some company information changes from year to year but some – called standing information – does not. It should remain accessible for reference by those providers of finance who value it and publicly available for people who are new to your company, but most investors do not need to see this every year. High value or periodic information should not become lost in standing information.
And one size does not fit all. Providing one bank of data effectively says to your providers of finance: here is the data I am giving you, now get on with it. It is not an impression you would want to leave with your customers, so treat your providers of finance with the same respect. The irony of damaging your valuable corporate reputation through the very channel that seeks to enhance that reputation should not be lost on any CEO. Consider providing this information at three levels: high level messages for all and full granular data for those who want to drill right down, and a third level somewhere in the middle.
It’s good to listen
My best customer experiences come when companies go out of their way to help; they deal with requests or complaints in a prompt, respectful manner. This is not my experience of corporate reporting however. Often the company talks a lot but does very little listening to its providers of finance. There is at times a real risk that companies and their providers of finance are talking past each other, which is unhealthy for both parties.
The idea of shareholder stewardship – the notion that shareholders engage in dialogue with management about the issues that are important to them – is gaining traction across Europe. If that dialogue is to be rich in content, foster mutual understanding, and ultimately help the capital markets become more efficient then the willingness on the part of shareholders to engage must be matched by the company’s commitment to transparent and high quality communications to form the basis of that dialogue.
Your corporate reporting is a reflection of your company. Give more thought to what you say publicly about your company, and how you say it. Show your providers of finance that you care. It is likely to improve your corporate relationships. And find a little more time for your family. Next time we go to visit my Mum I’ll see if I can turn the usual lunch into a full weekend.
Nick Jeffrey is a director of public policy at Grant Thornton.